
Here you will find our deliverables, policy briefs and other dissemination materials.


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D4.2 Definition of the modelling framework


This deliverable presents the methodological modelling framework that aims to simplify the willingness of citizens from a specific location for energy citizenship to provide information for decision-making. For this purpose, the conceptual model proposed integrates all modelling perspectives adopted in WP4 through an analytical and operationalization approach based on Lotka-Volterra equations that are used to represent the interactions between citizens, companies, and policy makers.

As the main result of the deliverable an Energy Citizenship Actions Catalogue is presented. The catalogue comprises 22 energy citizenship actions from sustainable mobility, clean and affordable energy, circular economy and sustainable consumption and diet habits fields. The catalogue includes the calculation method proposed to understand the potential of emergence of each action, based on the analytical components that characterize them. The energy citizenship actions catalogue presented in this deliverable is the first version of how to model each energy citizenship action.


D5.3 Roadmap for Community Transition Pathways – Guidelines


This deliverable provides guidelines for CTPs. It defines the purpose of these tools and explains how to use them. Section 1 explains the benefits of their adoption and who they are intended for. The CTPs Guidelines aim also to illustrate the process of developing transition pathways in a way that is fair and inclusive, adopting a systemic and multi-scalar approach that includes an interrelationship between top-down and bottom-up perspectives. CTPs aim to enable both policy makers and communities to define their strategies and structure fruitful relationships with the determinants of their specific contexts of application (e.g. policies, social and economic dimensions, etc.).


D3.6 Case study 6 report: Electric autonomous and connected mobility network


This report presents the results of a case study analysing connected and cooperative automated mobility.


D3.5 Case study 5 report: Earnest App – A virtual community for sustainable mobility in Darmstadt, Germany


This report outlines, analyses and discusses the findings from the Earnest App case study in light of GRETA’s objectives.


D3.4 Case study 4 report: UR BEROA – Energy efficiency-driven cooperative, Spain


This report presents the results of a case study analysing UR BEROA energy cooperative.


D3.3 Case study 3 report: Coopérnico – Renewable energy-driven cooperative, Portugal


Study on determinants that influence the emergence of energy citizenship in Coopérnico – a Portuguese renewable energy cooperative.


D3.2 Case study 2 report: Natural gas-free neighbourhoods, The Netherlands


The Dutch transition towards being natural gas-free started in 2018 after the Dutch government decided to gradually reduce the extraction of natural gas from the Groningen gas fields which repetitively has caused damages and injuries due to subsidence accompanied by earthquakes. Even though municipalities are in charge of this transition, different actors play an important role in making this transition a success. Citizens (i.e., homeowners), local initiatives (i.e., often united homeowners), policy-makers (i.e., the Dutch government and municipalities) and suppliers (i.e., businesses who provide and install the technical solutions for this transition) are depending on each other in this process. This report summarizes the behaviours, goals, expected positive and negative outcomes, norms and agencies of these actors and examines their relationship.


D3.1 Case study 1 report: Renewable energy district – Bologna Pilastro-Rovari, Italy


This report outlines, analyses and discusses the findings from the Pilatro Roveri case study in light of GRETA’s objectives.


D7.4 Periodic dissemination, communication and exploitation report


This is a report of project GRETA’s communication, dissemination and exploitation activities undertaken during the first 18 months of the project. The plan for these activities was first introduced in D7.2 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation strategy. This report looks back at the strategy and evaluates the project’s progress in different CDE activities. It also outlines a plan for future dissemination and exploitation activities based on the lessons learned during the first half of the project.